This kit includes an ABC puzzle, large magnetic letters, and alphabet rubbing plates.
Use it to teach recognizing and writing the letters of the alphabet and putting the letters in "ABC order."
This kit incudes a letter sound puzzle, the Anomia card game, and a board book with sandpaper letters.
Use it to teach letter sounds, writing upper case and lower case letters, and matching sounds with letters.
This kit incudes connectable cubes with the letters of the alphabet and cards with three letter words to build.
Use it to teach letter sounds, spelling, and sounding out words.
It pairs well with the books in the Flip-a-Word series(opens in a new tab).
This kit includes connectable cubes with vowels, consonants, and blends, as well as cards with three- and four-letter words to build.
Use it to teach blends and digraphs and build vocabulary (literally).
It pairs well with spelling lists and dictionaries.
This kit contains five Montessori-style toys with 3-letter words and flashcards with words and pictures.
Use it to teach letter sounds and rhyming words.
It pairs well with the rhyming words kit.