Cranston Public Library Safe Child Policy
- Parents and caregivers, not the library staff, are responsible for children’s safety and behavior in the library.
- Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied and adequately supervised by a responsible caregiver, and children under the age of 6 must be in the immediate vicinity of that caregiver at all times. Library staff may supervise children for the duration of certain programs, but caregivers should remain in the building.
- Young people age 10 and older may visit the library independently, but they are still the legal responsibility of their parents and guardians. Young people who visit the library by themselves must know how to reach a responsible caregiver in case of emergencies, health and safety issues, inappropriate behavior, or early closure.
- If a young person’s behavior is unduly disruptive, they may not be allowed to remain in the library or to visit again unaccompanied.
- If any young person remains at the library 15 minutes after closing, staff may call the proper authorities.
Approved by the Cranston Public Library Board of Trustees on 4/10/14
Revised 1/11/2023