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Ocean State Libraries eZone Collection Development Policy

eZone Collection Development Policy

Materials in the OSL eZone collection shall be selected based on the interests and needs of all the people served by the Ocean State Libraries consortium. Ocean State Libraries subscribes to the principles of intellectual freedom as stated in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. Included in this statement is the commitment to honor the rights of an individual to use the library regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, or social or political views. Accordingly, the members of Ocean State Libraries provide equal service to all users. Children and adults are equally free to use and borrow from the entire consortium collection. No library materials shall be excluded because of the race, creed, gender, political, or social view of the work’s presenter.

OSL may receive funds for the purchase of materials as gift donations. The consortium accepts these gift funds on the condition that their use is at the complete discretion of the members of OSL and/or the eZone Working Group. All donations become the property of OSL.

OSL library staff with authorization may purchase materials from OverDrive’s Marketplace in accordance with approved purchasing guidelines..

AI Content
OSL seeks to avoid all AI generated content in the eZone. All AI content that violates vendor policy of what is allowed in their marketplace will be reported to the vendor.

Local Content
With appropriate permissions electronic works by local authors may be uploaded to appearon eZone. The inclusion of these works will be subject to the same collection development and weeding standards as purchased material.

OverDrive Advantage
Libraries participating in the OverDrive Advantage program shall only purchase additional copies of titles already owned by OSL.

Collection development policy and procedures will be reviewed on an ongoing basis by the eZone Working Group.

Revocation of Log-In Privileges
When a member of OSL with OverDrive Marketplace login privileges retires, resigns, or otherwise ceases to be employed within the consortium, OSL must be notified within 24 hours so the employee’s login privileges can be withdrawn.

Materials being considered for withdrawal or replacement from the site will be discussed and approved by the eZone Working Group.

Materials purchased that violate the Collection Development Policy will be removed from the collection with a courtesy notice to the purchasing library to inform them of the removal.

Patrons should contact their local library and complete, sign, and submit a Request for Reevaluation of Digital Materials Form. If patron emails OSL, the email will be forwarded to the appropriate library director, who will serve as the first contact to hear the patron’s concerns and explain the challenge process. The library director will forward the completed form to the eZone Working Group. Materials requested for reevaluation by a patron will be reviewed by the eZone Working Group and a recommendation will be reached. The OSL Steering Committee will review and render a final decision on the eZone Working Group’s recommendation, and the library director will inform the patron of the decision.

Update approved by the Ocean State Libraries Executive Board, January 2025


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